Sunday, December 14, 2008


Once again it's been months since I've updated my blog. I would like to try to be more faithful with writing in the coming weeks and months. We'll see... :)

A month ago, a friend of mine had a stroke. He is just 42 years old... an amazing musician. Right now he cannot use his left side... cannot move his fingers to play the piano, cannot use his leg to walk. It has caused me to step back and gain some perspective. How quickly I take life and my abilities for granted. What would my response be if I suddenly lost my abilities to walk, move, play my oboe, play the piano, direct my bands? The grace of God is what has sustained me this far... and it's His grace alone that sustains me now and will in the future, no matter what may come.

Trials have a way of deepening faith. My hope and prayer is that this trial in his life is deepening his faith and relationship with the Lord. And I pray that for all who have been impacted by this.

Suffering produces perserverance...
perservance produces character...
character produces hope...

(from Romans 5)

May we not take God's blessings for granted.