Saturday, December 15, 2007

I found out after our Christmas concert this evening (Friday) that my co-worker, Scott, passed away sometime during our concert... I've spent some time thinking about what Amanda (daughter) and Cheryl (wife) might be going through right now... brings back a lot of memories... my dad left earth on a Friday evening as well... there were so many mixed emotions that night... RELIEF and absolute SORROW... it's kinda like walking through a fog... "what do we do now?"... our primary purpose for weeks and months was to care for, encourage, and help Dad... now he's not here anymore... "what do we do now?"... I remember just walking around the house knowing that life had forever changed, yet not knowing what that really meant. I can imagine that's what Amanda may be feeling right now too.

Lord, right now I pray you would flood Amanda, Cheryl, Scott's parents and other family and friends with PEACE! Give them a night a deep rest and sleep. Wrap Your arms of comfort around them, assuring them of Your sovereignty and complete love for them. The coming days are probably going to be so busy with lots of details to take care of and many people to communicate with... give them supernatural patience, grace, and strength. THANK YOU that we have HOPE! "He who promised is faithful." May You, the God of hope, fill them with all joy and peace as they trust in You. Amen.

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